healing mentorship

for self love, full soul expression, and peace

about me + what i do…

Welcome and thanks for checking out my page!

Here you’ll find out a little more about me, what I do, and who I help :)

I grew up in a conservative, lower middle class christian home as the youngest of 4, and was definitely the empath of the family.

There was much abuse in the house on all levels, combined with intense religious programming and shutting down my natural spiritual gifts as they were frowned upon in our religious household.

In middle school and high school, I was bullied for being a ‘‘band nerd’’ and for my big eyes, and struggled with ADHD and focus while abuse continued at home, leading to daily anxiety.

I started flute in 5th grade, and that was my safe place and distraction.

I fell in love with the instrument and was grateful to find something I was really good at.

Eventually I went to college and graduate school for flute performance, distancing myself from my family and struggling with anxious attachment style, chasing men, continued anxiety, carpal tunnel, drank a lot, and was overall pretty unhealthy and overworking myself with practicing and trying to win an orchestra job.

Fast forward to the end of graduate school, my mother was diagnosed with leukemia and my father stage 4 colon cancer at the same time!!

My world started to shake as the pressure of winning a job and paying back my student loans grew bigger, as I had no financial support.

I started to mediate to help with my adhd after medication made my life much worse, and was in a near-death accident on a way to an audition after my car spun out on the highway and crashed into a mountain.

My life was spared and I really started to question everything as my dad had years left to live. I entered into depression for the first time, and had to pull myself out.

I eventually moved to Austin and began teaching full time in the school districts. I became depressed again and burnt out as my dream of playing in an orchestra seemed to be slipping away, along with my father.

I continued meditating and diving into spirituality, diving deep into inner work and self development. When my father passed in 2021, I had a full spiritual awakening and received a message from my soul I was meant be a Sound Healer.

I transitioned from the classical world and started playing events all over Austin, continuing to dive into the deep inner work.

Over the years, plant medicines like Ayahuasca, Kambo, and others have revealed even deeper trauma in my ancestral lineage, and more of my spiritual gifts have opened up.

I’ve also been through domestic violence and been able to 100% heal from that trauma with the modalities I teach and share.

I help my clients with the same work I’ve done that has helped me release years of anxiety, stress, and living in dissociation.

I’ve fallen in love with myself and life through this work, found my soul’s purpose, and been able to help hundreds of others.

I certainly don’t have all the answers and I’m still learning and growing every day, but I hope I can help make this path of healing and self love a little less intimating for you, and share the tools that have helped me.

I particularly resonate with and can help greatly with women who consider themselves highly sensitive and empathic but maybe have shut that side down, grew up with religious programming, experience anxiety and self doubt, and want to open up their intuition and heal their inner child.

As a psychic with all the clairs, I work alongside my spirit team and yours to uncover what needs to be known about the past so that we can fully heal and release it, and open up to the truth of who you are:

An infinite soul, a divine aspect of God/Source, extremely powerful, and unconditionally loved.

My motto is you are always your OWN healer:

I’m simply a medium in between, helping you return to who you truly are and open up to your own spiritual gifts by shining the light on what has been in the way of this :)

I want more people to know that they can live fully in their body, in the present moment, without anxiety, connected to source, and without racing thoughts.

You can heal from ANYTHING.

I offer individual sessions or 3-6 month programs combining energy healing, sound healing, and inner work.

You can book a session below or apply for my programs.

Please reach out with any questions or just to say hello :)

Sending you SO much love.


Instagram/Tiktok: @iamliriarose

Youtube: Liria Rose